Microsoft Outlook Training

3 min readNov 22, 2022


RyanTech Blog

News and Insights

​Have you tried to find good training content on the web and ran into walls​? We certainly have, and we’ve heard a lot of customers tell us the same. At RyanTech, we want to make sure that our customers are receiving the best, most comprehensive training that they can get! We have many customers who have never used Microsoft products before, and we want to ensure a seamless transition when starting to use a new platform as extensive as Microsoft.

Microsoft is one of the top cloud solutions for businesses and it continues grow by the day. Businesses are adopting Microsoft Cloud applications for their users and Outlook is the most widely used of the many. Switching to a new email application can be interesting, to say the least, and there can potentially be a big learning curve when users begin to use it for the first time. At RyanTech, we want to make sure that all are as adept as possible on using Outlook and the great features that it offers! This is why we created our RyanTech Learn site with many Outlook training videos that explain how to begin with the basic functions of the application. Click the link below to see all the training videos that we offer for Outlook!

RyanTech Learn

What is RyanTech Learn?

RyanTech Learn is a website that we created to offer to customers that need extensive training on Microsoft 365 products and services. We offer many videos on how to use and do specific fucntions on apps like Outlook, SharePoint, Teams and OneDrive. Users can save videos in their library for easy access as well as simply searching and clicking for videos as needed. We focus on highly used applications and funtions that are used daily, while addressing common questions that we receinve on how to do certain things. All courses on the RyanTech Learn site are curated by our team of Microsoft experts with years of experience, so the user can feel confident that they are getting the right information. The best part….IT’S FREE!!!!

​What to expect in our Outlook training videos…

Currently, we have eight training videos pertaining to Outlook, and they continue to be added. We go over the basic functions of the application and how to’s on some of the items that every user will want to take advantage of. You can get trained on things like how to add a contact, how to create and add a signature, and how to create a Teams meeting from Outlook, among many other things! In these videos, we walk you through the process of how to do these certain functions and make it easy to follow along as our cloud engineers take you through the application. ​

Please click on the link above to access our Learn site to see what it’s all about. We are happy to answer any questions you may have about it, and we can even take suggestions on what training video you would like to see on the site next!! RyanTech is here to help wherever we can, and we think that this new RyanTech Learn site is another way we can pass our infinite knowledge of Microsoft products and tools off to you!


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